Ada orang kata MCMC boleh sekat apa sahaja di internet. Betul ke ni! Anda rasa?? Jom tonton video ini untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut. 



The CyberSAFE in Schools programme aims to advocate safe Internet for Malaysians. A key focus of the programme is to empower Malaysian children with strong digital resiliency skills towards digital citizenship. The programme is a strategic partnership with the Education Ministry, MCMC, CyberSecurity Malaysia, Childline Malaysia, Protect and Save the Children and DiGi Telecommunications


Category : Education



Platform - Video/Powertoon



Platform - Video


We welcome you to be a part of the online workforce, by participating in the eRezeki initiative. As a digital worker, you earn from online tasks or work chosen by you. These tasks range from easy micro digital tasks that can be completed in minutes, with minimal knowledge in IT; to tasks requiring specific skills and/or experience that may take longer to complete. We will be with you to guide you.